Pr. Brahim SAFI

Brahim Safi currently is Professor at M’Hamed Bougara University -Boumerdes. He is a lecturer at the Process engineering department, faculty of technology. Pr. Safi is Head of research team; Eco-Materials, Recycling and Recovery of Wastes in materials, at Research Unit; Materials, Processes and Environment. The scientific interests: Wastes recycling in concrete materials and Materials characterization. Interest Field (S): Construction and Building Materials, Mechanical behavior of Materials, Rheology of Fluids. Editor /Member of Editorial: • Editor: Book of Proceedings – the Third International Sympos • Editorial Team Member: the Journal of Building Materials and Structures – (ISSN: 2353-0057)

Editeur /Membre Editeur:

Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development

Volume 2: Waste Recycling and Environment

Editors: SAFI Brahim., et al.

Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development

Editors: Abdelbaki, Benmounah, SAFI, Brahim, Saidi, Mohamed